U.S. Patent Office Grants CFL Waterproof Laminate Tech. Patent

CFL Flooring’s patent application for waterproof laminate technology has recently been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The company says this represents a significant development in the protection of CFL’s technologies and helps secure its position as a leader in bringing innovative solutions to the waterproof categories in the North American market.

“We’re extremely excited about this news. Our R&D teams together with our production units worked very hard in making our Firmfit products truly unique. Even in today’s highly competitive flooring markets we’re happy to continue to be recognized for bringing innovative products. While most competitors have been focusing on WPC (wood plastic composite) versions, Firmfit has quickly become a leader in its category because of the quality and performance of the product and this patent approval recognizes just that” offered Thomas Baert, president of CFL Flooring.

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