CFL proudly co-founds the Multilayer Flooring Association with 6 other industry leaders

We are excited to announce that CFL Flooring is a proud co-founder of the newly established Multilayer Flooring Association (MFA) with Mr. Barron Frith (CEO CFL North America) appointed Executive Vice President. Other MFA members include six leading flooring companies: Armstrong, USFloors, Metroflor, Mannington, Novalis and Torlys.

Multilayer hybrid floors is a new category of floor coverings introduced in 2013. In just a few years it has seen a massive growth in popularity.
The MFA has been formed to serve the North American floor covering industry with the goal to establish necessary product standards and ensure a stable sector growth.

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The next official MFA meeting will be held in January at Surfaces 2017 in Las Vegas.
Come and see our newest innovations at the show, booth 1109.

For more information email us at


MFA BOD (from left to right): Barron Frith (Vice President, CFL Flooring), Harlan Stone (President, Halstead Corporation/Metroflor), Jamey Block (Secretary, Armstrong Flooring, Inc.), Philippe Erramuzpe (Membership Chairperson, USFloors).

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